360 FAQS

If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact us so we can help.

Which areas in New Zealand to you cover?

We currently provide 360 Virtual Tours to the Wellington region. Please complete our 'Contact Us' form to register your interest or call us.

Where will I see the 360 Tour images of my business?

The 360 Tour will display on your website. If you order our 'Custom Tour' you have the option to get your 360 Tour images uploaded to our Google Business Page and receive a set of 360 Photos to share on Facebook. If you order our Google StreetView Tour, your 360 tour will automatically be uploaded and published to Google. 

Can I display my 360 Tour on other websites?

Along with your website, you can display your 360 Tour on any other website that you like. You just need to have permission to display the tour on the 3rd party website and for the 3rd party website to allow 360 Tour displays. ScanView does not restrict the use of your 360 Tour.

Who owns the rights to the images?

Once we have received payment and the images have been uploaded to Google, you become the owner of the images. Please note that as part of signing the agreement provided by our photographer, you also license the use of the images to both Google and the photographer who will publish the imagery.

How long will it take to photograph my business?

For smaller businesses, a typical shoot will last around 1 hour. For larger properties it all depends on how much of the property is to be captured but we would expect between 2 hours for a comprehensive shoot. 

Do I have to close my business during the photo shoot?

No, you can continue to operate as usual. There will be minimal disruption to your business.

Do the 360 panoramas display on mobile devices?

Our 360 panoramas display on HTML and Flash enabling them to display on Apple and Android platforms.

What areas of my business are photographed?

We will take the customer facing areas of your business and the areas that best represent your business. You can work with our photograph to suggest any areas you would like taken and even those shots you would not like to be shown. The purpose of the shoot is to capture a true representation of what the customer can expect if they visit your premises.

Will you show people in the images?

The focus is on your business premises and not the people. As it’s a virtual walk through of your business we want to show unblocked views inside your business. It will be your responsibility to notify your staff and customers that a photo shoot is taking place. As an additional privacy measure, all the faces of people are blurred when uploaded to Google.

Can I request for the images to be removed from Google?

Yes, simply send us an email request and we’ll remove the relevant shots or you can request via your Google Business Page. 

Can I get the 360 Tour images updated in the future

Yes, if you have updated your business exterior/interior and want updated shots or you want additional shots to be taken, simply contact us again and we can come back. We require a minimum of 3 shots to be taken to re-visit.

How can I prepare my business for the photography?

The purpose of the shoot is to accurately capture your business. For scheduled shoots, we would suggest that your premises are tidy with any unwanted items that you would not want to be captured. You can also brief staff members working on the day.

How do I add the 360 images to my website?

It's a simple process. Follow our instructions on our 'Add 360 Tour To website' page.  

Can I add the 360 Tour to Facebook?

Yes, if you order our upgrade package. We will supply you with a set of 360 Photo that you post on Facebook as normal photos. Facebook will recognise they are 360 photos and display as interactive photos that users can 'click and drag' 360 degrees. 

Where do I find the link to my 360 Tour on Google?

Click the 3 'dots' on the top left hand side of your 360 Tour and choose the 'share or embed image option. Click the 'short URL' check box and use this link address with all social media posts and emailing. 

Why do I need a Google Business page?

Google integrates business listings' with their organic results and gives these business listings greater prominence. Often, these ‘local’ listings will be displayed above organic SEO results as user searches are combined with a users' geographical location. By having a business page, you can reach customers running relevant searches in your area.  

How Do I Claim My Google Business Page?

View our instructions page. for a step by step guide and a Google Video.